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Agapetes 'Ludgvan Cross' 4" pot

Himalayan Lantern.  Rare evergreen shrub with arching branches and shiny, dark green leaves. Striped cream and red, bell-shaped flowers dangle from the branches almost constantly. The name comes from the Greek word agapetos which means "beloved" or "desirable."  

Since this gorgeous rarity is native to the mild foothills fo the Himalayas, it won't tolerate extremes in temperatures.

(Ericaceae) A hybrid between Agapetes serpens x Agapetes rugosa.

Care & Hardiness: 

Light: Part shade

Water: Moist, but make sure that it isn't sitting in water.  Likes light, well-drained soil whether it is in the ground or grown in a pot.

Soil: Light mix with plenty of organic matter

Fertilizer: Slow release fertilizer for acid-loving plants (such as is sold for Rhododendrons)

Hardiness: USDA Zone 9.  Agapetes likes mild, cool summers, so it won't grow well in areas with very hot weather in the summer.  Can tolerate a mild frost.


Photos courtesy of Mark Delepine and Randy Story.

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