Blue Bouquet Passion Flower. Strongly fragrant and very easily grown hybrid has lavender flowers with...
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Vanessa Passion Flower. Stunning new hybrid from Michael Graupe. Fuchsia pink petals hang on long stems...
Kendall Gold Pepino Melon. If you can grow tomatoes, you can grow this amazing...
Very similar to Passiflora trifasciata but a much more vigorous grower in my experience. This...
Aliases: Kew Gardens Passion Flower; Also Passiflora x kewensis, this is an older, invalid name.
Elegant vine with 3-4" pink flowers and white filaments. Very showy flowers on a medium-sized plant. Leathery leaves.
History: Kew Gardens is a old-fashioned hybrid that has been around since the 1800's, so the parentage is not known. Easy to grow.
Light: Full sun, part shade. There will be less flowers in part shade.
Water: Moderate.
Soil: A wide range of soil, but it must be well-drained.
Fertilizer: A slow-release, bloom-booster type fertilizer is appreciated, but beware of using a fertilizer with too much nitrogen as it may push leaves at the expense of flowers.
Hardiness: Zone 10 (possibly zone 9 in a sheltered location)
White Sacred Flower of the Incas. Chilean Bellflower. Extremely showy shrub with 3" trumpet-shaped, golden yellow flowers...
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Silvie Passion Flower. Fragrant, medium to large flowers are light purple and banded with white...
Long Tail Dutchman's Pipe. Dark maroon flowers with a fascinating elongated lip that can grow...
Raspberries and Cream Passion Flower. Similar to the popular hybrid Passiflora 'Anastasia,' this is a...
Clear Sky Passion Flower. An unbelievable variety developed by Roland Fischer in Germany. The same...
These flowers are huge! A sprawling, semi-succulent shrub that can be trained onto a form...
Passiflora Starter Kit: 3 different passifloras (our choice) for $45.00 for $15.00 off!! You could...
We have the largest selection of passiflora in North America and regularly sell to universities and the top passiflora experts in the world. We make every effort to ensure that the plant is free of virus and correctly identified, usually waiting to see the plant bloom, which can take years and years. We also try to take our own product photos so you know what specific attributes your plant would have.
Everything we sell is grown, propagated and shipped from our nursery in Oregon, we do not outsource anything.
You can also learn more about our nursery, read testimonials & check out our FAQ.
Since we ship our plants, they may be a little more stressed than if you were to pick them up at your local...
Here are some general "Growing 101" tips to help you with growing your new Clivia plants.
Clivia make excellent houseplants or landscape plants in ...