Giant Potato Vine. Large, beautiful clusters of purple flowers. This the most beautiful of all the Solanum. Native to Costa Rica, it can be trained as a shrub with pruning or the long, trailing branches can be trained to a trellis. Blooms several times throughout the season and stays evergreen in mild climates. It can tolerate a hard frost, but will show a lot of damage when it is under 25 degrees. I overwinter mine in the greenhouse, but it drops its leaves and goes into a semi-dormant state when it gets cold, so it would be very easy to overwinter in an unheated garage or shed.
(Solanaceae) The fruits are not edible.
Light: Full sun or part shade. It definitely benefits from some shade in intense sun.
Water: Average. Make sure to water during the summer.
Soil: Well-drained soil that is top-dressed with compost.
Fertilizer: All-purpose
Hardiness: Zone 9