These flowers are huge! A sprawling, semi-succulent shrub that can be trained onto a form...
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Bristle-Leaved Ceropegia. Bushman's Pipe. Wine Glass Vine. A dainty, twining vine with charming green flowers accented...
This Stapelia relative has thick, whip-like stems and no leaves. The star-shaped flowers bloom in...
Love-In-A-Mist. Lavender and white flowers are surrounded by fantastically lacy, branched bracts. Very furry, sticky...
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Perfect for a very unusual hanging basket. The stems are long, long, long, thin, flexible...
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Succulent Bushman's Pipe. A vigorous, scrambling vine with stems the diameter of a thumb and large,...
Audrey Grevillea. One of the more cold hardy of all members of the Protea family,...
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Robyn Gordon Grevillea. One of the more cold hardy of all members of the Protea...
White, upward facing flowers have a broad green stripe along the middle of each petal....
Rose Cactus. Succulent shrub with attractive brick red new growth that lightens to lime yellow....
Galapagos Sorrel. This interesting succulent Oxalis has yellow flowers and very fleshy, clover-shaped leaves. The...
Dragon Fruit. Pitahaya. Vining tropical cactus with large, stunning flowers and extremely tasty fruit. The...
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Charming bromeliad relative with a rosette of fleshy, dark green leaves. Will quickly form a...
Also known as Parachute Plant, Fountain Flower, and Umbrella Plant. Also known as Ceropegia sandersonii, this...
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Bushman's Pipe. Wine Glass Vine. A dainty, twining vine with unearthly maroon and white flowers...
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Bushman's Pipe. A vigorous, twining vine with large, soft yellow and white flowers that balloon out...
Sand Forest Poison Rope. Fragrant, bright yellow flowers with dark orange blotches in the center...
Tapeworm Plant. Centipede Plant. Almost unearthly, this extremely curious shrub has ribbon-thin, flattened stems that...
California Pipevine. California Dutchman's Pipe. This furry groundcover has golden brown, pipe-like flowers and capsular...