Bushman's Pipe. A vigorous, twining vine with large, soft yellow and white flowers that balloon out...
Bushman's Pipe. Wine Glass Vine. A dainty, twining vine with unearthly maroon and white flowers...
Perfect for a very unusual hanging basket. The stems are long, long, long, thin, flexible...
This Stapelia relative has thick, whip-like stems and no leaves. The star-shaped flowers bloom in...
Elephant Foot, Wild Yam***What You See Is What You Get***Highly desirable caudiciform grown from seed....
Galapagos Sorrel. This interesting succulent Oxalis has yellow flowers and very fleshy, clover-shaped leaves. The...
Rose Cactus. Succulent shrub with attractive brick red new growth that lightens to lime yellow....
These flowers are huge! A sprawling, semi-succulent shrub that can be trained onto a form...