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Telopea truncata 4" pot

Tasmanian Waratah. This is the Waratah for colder climates! While not as showy as its more famous relative, the bright red flowers are very pretty while the frost hardiness of the plant makes it a champion.  It will tolerate temperatures down to 18 degrees F!  It is growing in the ground in the NW United States, France, Spain and the UK. This shrub sends multiple trunks up from the base and can resprout if it is damaged by frost or fire.  Good drainage is vital. Blooms in the spring. Leathery evergreen leaves.  One of the easier Proteaceae, I have found that it tolerates frost, wet conditions and fertilizer more than others of this very temperamental family.


Light: Full sun or part shade.  In hot climates, it should get afternoon shade.  It works well as an understory shrub.

Water: Moderate.  It is important to water in the summer when it is very dry.

Soil: Fast draining, acid, and nutrient poor.  Be careful not to disturb the roots.

Fertilizer: Use a very low phosphorus (or no phosphorus), slow-release fertilizer, or a mild organic fertilizer such as fish emulsion.  Like all Proteaceae, it will not tolerate phosphorus.

Hardiness: USDA Zone 8


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