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Newest Plants

Passiflora helleri 4" pot

Attractive, variegated foliage with bright yellow nectar dots. The flowers, although small, are white and purple and very fragrant.  The yellow dots on the leaves are believed to mimic butterfly eggs to convince interested butterflies to lay their eggs on a different passion vine that isn't already infested with butterfly larvae.  Very interesting mechanism!

Subgenus: Decaloba, Supersection: Decaloba, Section: Decaloba.  Larval food plant for Longwing Butterflies (Dione juno, Heliconius cydno and H. erato).  Photo courtesy of Mark Stratton.


Light: Full sun, part shade.  There will be less flowers in part shade.

Water: Moderate.

Soil: A wide range of soil, but it must be well-drained.

Fertilizer: A slow-release, bloom-booster type fertilizer is appreciated, but beware of using a fertilizer with too much nitrogen as it may push leaves at the expense of flowers.

Hardiness: Zone 11.

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