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Elephant Foot, Wild Yam***What You See Is What You Get***Highly desirable caudiciform grown from seed....
Another passiflora with outstanding leaves. Long lobes with attractively variegated midribs. This vine need a...
Linni II Passion Flower. Wonderful dark red flowers with white centers about 5" across. The...
Large-flowered (5") vine from hybridizer Carlos Ibarra. Very free-flowering and should be tolerant of light...
Enormous, hairy and heavily textured leaves. The flowers are 2-3" star-shaped and white, but it...
Stunning glossy variegated foliage with prominent egg mimic nectaries are the main attractions for this...
This very interesting plant is pollinated by bats. The 3" flowers open at night on...
Dainty white flowers about 3" across. Large vine from Brazil. Blooms prolifically in the fall...
Lovely little bat-wing leaved vine that's perfect for containers or a hanging basket. The variegated...
Satin Jacket Passion Flower. A new, cold-hardy passionflower from hybridizer Dan Pogust. Passiflora 'Satin Jacket'...
Large (5") blue and white flowers with lots of thin curly filaments. The dark green...
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Large, flaming red flowers are borne in abundance on a healthy vine with trilobed, reddish...
Flying V Passion Flower. Interesting hybrid with bat-wing leaves and a tidy vine that is...
Scarlet Flame Passion Flower. Large, bright red flowers and fuzzy trilobed leaves. Very easy and...
Dolce Italia Passion Flower. This lovely form has pure white flowers on a vine that is...
Very fragrant, light lavender flowers with long, wavy corona filaments. The flowers are 4" wide...
Bombona. Mostly grown for its sweet, juicy fruits, this rare Solanum is also a very...
Sweet Calabash. Warmth loving species with intensely fragrant, pendant flowers. Similar to P. platyloba. Large bracts are...
Very similar to Passiflora trifasciata but a much more vigorous grower in my experience. This...
Giant Potato Vine. Large, beautiful clusters of purple flowers. This the most beautiful of all...
Miri Passion Flower. Lovely, free-flowering new hybrid with pink/lavander flowers and a dark, furry center. I...
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Very rare, newly named species endemic to the Dominican Republic. The leaves are attractive...
This Stapelia relative has thick, whip-like stems and no leaves. The star-shaped flowers bloom in...
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Variegated Creeping Fuchsia. This fuchsia has small stems and the loveliest cream-edged leaves which form...
This is probably the first time this rare species has been offered in the US....
Dutchman's Pipe. Large, puffy cream flowers marked with brown. Very robust and easy twining vine. (Aristolochiaceae) ...
This is a tidy vine that is covered with silky soft hairs. The texture of...
The leaves on this passiflora are very showy: distinctive variegation and prominent yellow egg mimic...
Pink flowered form of this usually red species. Passiflora racemosa 'Buzios' was found in Brazil...
Interesting leaves are shaped like a duck's foot and waxy, star-shaped apricot-colored flowers. A beautiful...
Vanessa Passion Flower. Stunning new hybrid from Michael Graupe. Fuchsia pink petals hang on long stems...
Love-In-A-Mist. Lavender and white flowers are surrounded by fantastically lacy, branched bracts. Very furry, sticky...
Raspberries and Cream Passion Flower. Similar to the popular hybrid Passiflora 'Anastasia,' this is a...
Lovely, lush leaves and bright red, torpedo-shaped fruits are the main attractions offered by this...
Sweet Calabash. Excellent fruit and fragrant purple and green flowers. Needs another passion vine in...
Dragon Fruit. Pitahaya. Vining tropical cactus with large, stunning flowers and extremely tasty fruit. The...
Also known as Parachute Plant, Fountain Flower, and Umbrella Plant. Also known as Ceropegia sandersonii, this...
Bushman's Pipe. Wine Glass Vine. A dainty, twining vine with unearthly maroon and white flowers...
Bushman's Pipe. A vigorous, twining vine with large, soft yellow and white flowers that balloon out...
Sand Forest Poison Rope. Fragrant, bright yellow flowers with dark orange blotches in the center...
Mathews Passion Flower. Charming, 2.5" pendant flowers that are pink with a ring of violet...
Bright, flaming red, 4" flowers. The vine is very large and vigorous, so it is...
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This species is closely related to P. murucuja, but larger. It has pink flowers and,...
Wonderful variegated, tri-lobed leaves. Small, white flowers. The dark green leaves have stripes of light...
Fuzzy, duck-foot shaped leaves and clusters of greenish-white flowers. Subgenus: Decaloba, Supersection: Decaloba, Section: Sexflorae....
Charming vine with furry, curiously shaped leaves. Very freely branching and ideal for hanging baskets...
Definitely distinctive! Pendulous apple-green flowers open at night to be pollinated by bats in the...
Extremely showy bat-wing foliage with very long, narrow lobes and variegated with cream and red....