Passiflora Starter Kit: 3 different passifloras (our choice) for $45.00 for $15.00 off!! You could...
Fledermouse Passion Flower. Interesting hybrid with bat-wing leaves and small, maroon flowers with yellow centers....
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Gabrielle Passion Flower. Stunning, fragrant flowers with thick, heavily banded filaments hang in bunches in...
White flowers with very bright filaments are borne in clusters. The filaments are bright yellow...
Bright, flaming red, 4" flowers. The vine is very large and vigorous, so it is...
Extremely showy bat-wing foliage with very long, narrow lobes and variegated with cream and red....
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Very showy 5" flowers with red petals and thick, purple and white filaments. Very sweetly...
Stunning salmon red flowers with narrow reflexed petals and small, dainty leaves. Closely related to...
Large red flowers. Passiflora princeps is native to southeastern Brazil and has the charming habit...
Sweet Calabash. Warmth loving species with intensely fragrant, pendant flowers. Similar to P. platyloba. Large bracts are...
Scarlet Flame Passion Flower. Large, bright red flowers and fuzzy trilobed leaves. Very easy and...
Flying V Passion Flower. Interesting hybrid with bat-wing leaves and a tidy vine that is...
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Large, flaming red flowers are borne in abundance on a healthy vine with trilobed, reddish...
Linni II Passion Flower. Wonderful dark red flowers with white centers about 5" across. The...