Blue Bouquet Passion Flower. Strongly fragrant and very easily grown hybrid has lavender flowers with...
Blue Velvet Passion Flower. Strongly fragrant. Very similar to the famous hybrid P. 'Incense', but without the...
La Lucchese Passion Flower. Fragrant 4" flowers are purple with very long banded filaments that twist...
Satin Jacket Passion Flower. A new, cold-hardy passionflower from hybridizer Dan Pogust. Passiflora 'Satin Jacket'...
Silvie Passion Flower. Fragrant, medium to large flowers are light purple and banded with white...
Clear Sky Passion Flower. An unbelievable variety developed by Roland Fischer in Germany. The same...
Dolce Italia Passion Flower. This lovely form has pure white flowers on a vine that is...
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Very fragrant, blue/violet/lavender flowers with long, wavy corona filaments. The flowers are 3-5" wide and,...
Very fragrant, light lavender flowers with long, wavy corona filaments. The flowers are 4" wide...
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Gabrielle Passion Flower. Stunning, fragrant flowers with thick, heavily banded filaments hang in bunches in...
Sweet Calabash. Warmth loving species with intensely fragrant, pendant flowers. Similar to P. platyloba. Large bracts are...
Medium-sized flowers that resemble the Blue Crown Passionflower, P. caerulea. The foliage is blue-green with...
Pendant white and purple flowers on a robust vine. Related to Passiflora laurifolia, P. nigradenia...
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Very showy 5" flowers with red petals and thick, purple and white filaments. Very sweetly...
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Dark violet and lavender flowers with long, curling filaments. Sweet, edible fruit is produced if...
Passiflora Starter Kit: 3 different passifloras (our choice) for $45.00 for $15.00 off!! You could...