Dragon Fruit. Pitahaya. Vining tropical cactus with large, stunning flowers and extremely tasty fruit. The...
Another amazing tender perennial fruit from the tomato family! This shrublet has small (but very...
Acerola Cherry. Barbados Cherry. Large tropical shrub famed with bearing the vitamin C rich acerola fruit. ...
Dolce Italia Passion Flower. This lovely form has pure white flowers on a vine that is...
Blue Crown Passion Flower. Hardy Passion Flower. A smaller, diploid version of Clear Sky, it has 4...
Very fragrant, light lavender flowers with long, wavy corona filaments. The flowers are 4" wide...
Sweet Calabash. Warmth loving species with intensely fragrant, pendant flowers. Similar to P. platyloba. Large bracts are...
Pendant white and purple flowers on a robust vine. Related to Passiflora laurifolia, P. nigradenia...
Large, flaming red flowers are borne in abundance on a healthy vine with trilobed, reddish...
Sweet Calabash. Excellent fruit and fragrant purple and green flowers. Needs another passion vine in...
Passiflora Starter Kit: 3 different passifloras (our choice) for $45.00 for $15.00 off!! You could...
Kendall Gold Pepino Melon. If you can grow tomatoes, you can grow this amazing...
Bombona. Mostly grown for its sweet, juicy fruits, this rare Solanum is also a very...