Blue Crown Passion Flower. Hardy Passion Flower. A smaller, diploid version of Clear Sky, it has 4...
Interesting leaves are shaped like a duck's foot and waxy, star-shaped white flowers. Closely related...
Citrus-Yellow Passion Flower. Bright yellow, star-shaped flowers and beautiful two-toned foliage that is shaped like...
This is a very rare species with small flowers that have a very pleasant honeysuckle...
This very interesting plant is pollinated by bats. The 3" flowers open at night on...
Enormous, hairy and heavily textured leaves. The flowers are 2-3" star-shaped and white, but it...
Finally, the real species of Passiflora cyanea is for sale! For years Passiflora retipetala was...
Love-In-A-Mist. Lavender and white flowers are surrounded by fantastically lacy, branched bracts. Very furry, sticky...
Delicate, attractive leaves and unusual, white passion flowers. The flowers are quite large (2-3") for...
Attractive, variegated foliage with bright yellow nectar dots. The flowers, although small, are white and...
Dainty white flowers about 3" across. Large vine from Brazil. Blooms prolifically in the fall...
Sweet Calabash. Warmth loving species with intensely fragrant, pendant flowers. Similar to P. platyloba. Large bracts are...
Mathews Passion Flower. Charming, 2.5" pendant flowers that are pink with a ring of violet...
This is a dainty, free-flowering vine that would be lovely in a hanging basket. Unlobed...
Small white flowers with a ring of mauve around the center adorn this dark green...
Pure white, 3-4", rather star-shaped flowers. Waxy leaves. Food plant for Heleconius sara. Tolerates heat...
Pendant white and purple flowers on a robust vine. Related to Passiflora laurifolia, P. nigradenia...
Extremely showy bat-wing foliage with very long, narrow lobes and variegated with cream and red....
The leaves on this passiflora are very showy: distinctive variegation and prominent yellow egg mimic...
Definitely distinctive! Pendulous apple-green flowers open at night to be pollinated by bats in the...
This is probably the first time this rare species has been offered in the US....
Large, flaming red flowers are borne in abundance on a healthy vine with trilobed, reddish...
Stunning salmon red flowers with narrow reflexed petals and small, dainty leaves. Closely related to...
Pink flowered form of this usually red species. Passiflora racemosa 'Buzios' was found in Brazil...
White centers and lavender-blue tipped edges. The flowers stay open for 2-3 days and the...
Lovely, lush leaves and bright red, torpedo-shaped fruits are the main attractions offered by this...
Fuzzy, duck-foot shaped leaves and clusters of greenish-white flowers. Subgenus: Decaloba, Supersection: Decaloba, Section: Sexflorae....
Charming vine with furry, curiously shaped leaves. Very freely branching and ideal for hanging baskets...
Leathery bat-wing shaped leaves and smallish white flowers flushed with pink. Curiously flattened stems. Subgenus:...
Sweet Calabash. Excellent fruit and fragrant purple and green flowers. Needs another passion vine in...
Stunning glossy variegated foliage with prominent egg mimic nectaries are the main attractions for this...
Passiflora Starter Kit: 3 different passifloras (our choice) for $45.00 for $15.00 off!! You could...
Lovely little bat-wing leaved vine that's perfect for containers or a hanging basket. The variegated...
Wonderful variegated, tri-lobed leaves. Small, white flowers. The dark green leaves have stripes of light...
Another passiflora with outstanding leaves. Long lobes with attractively variegated midribs. This vine need a...
Rose Cactus. Succulent shrub with attractive brick red new growth that lightens to lime yellow....
This a very easily grown, stunning bulb in the Amaryllis family. The umbels of flowers...
Sweet Pea Bush. Compact variety of a very showy South African wildflower. Petite Butterfly is...
This is a close cousin of the famed Deppea splendens and a very attractive...
These flowers are huge! A sprawling, semi-succulent shrub that can be trained onto a form...
Kendall Gold Pepino Melon. If you can grow tomatoes, you can grow this amazing...
Giant Potato Vine. Large, beautiful clusters of purple flowers. This the most beautiful of all...
Sand Forest Poison Rope. Fragrant, bright yellow flowers with dark orange blotches in the center...
Small white star-shaped flowers with crispy, crinkled edges and interesting hairy leaves. This is a...
Large clusters of drooping pink and white bells cover this amazing, lush evergreen shrub once...