These flowers are huge! A sprawling, semi-succulent shrub that can be trained onto a form...
This Stapelia relative has thick, whip-like stems and no leaves. The star-shaped flowers bloom in...
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Variegated Creeping Fuchsia. This fuchsia has small stems and the loveliest cream-edged leaves which form...
This is a close cousin of the famed Deppea splendens and a very attractive...
This a very easily grown, stunning bulb in the Amaryllis family. The umbels of flowers...
White Sacred Flower of the Incas. Chilean Bellflower. Extremely showy shrub with 3" trumpet-shaped, golden yellow flowers...
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A hybrid between the flaring flowers sported by Clivia miniata, and the tubular flowers of...
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Golden Fuchsia, Deppia splendens. Believed to be extinct in the wild, the flowers that delicately...
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Red Angel's Trumpet. Lovely high mountain species that is very rare to find in the trade....
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Zunac Angel's Trumpet. This is an extremely rare Angel Trumpet that is reputed to be...
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Starfish Iris. Spider Flower. This is one iris that your neighbors haven't seen! The star-shaped flowers...
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Perfect for a very unusual hanging basket. The stems are long, long, long, thin, flexible...
Lovely, lush leaves and bright red, torpedo-shaped fruits are the main attractions offered by this...
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Robyn Gordon Grevillea. One of the more cold hardy of all members of the Protea...
Rose Cactus. Succulent shrub with attractive brick red new growth that lightens to lime yellow....
Galapagos Sorrel. This interesting succulent Oxalis has yellow flowers and very fleshy, clover-shaped leaves. The...
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3 plants (our choice) from the Protea family including Leucospermum, Leucadendron, Serruria, Grevillea, and Telopea...
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Bushman's Pipe. A vigorous, twining vine with large, soft yellow and white flowers that balloon out...
Sand Forest Poison Rope. Fragrant, bright yellow flowers with dark orange blotches in the center...
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Fuzzy, duck-foot shaped leaves and clusters of greenish-white flowers. Subgenus: Decaloba, Supersection: Decaloba, Section: Sexflorae....
Definitely distinctive! Pendulous apple-green flowers open at night to be pollinated by bats in the...
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Very interesting coastal plant native to the Florida Keys. Passiflora multiflora has furry, oval shaped...
White flowers with very bright filaments are borne in clusters. The filaments are bright yellow...
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Delicate, attractive leaves and unusual, white passion flowers. The flowers are quite large (2-3") for...
This is a very rare species with small flowers that have a very pleasant honeysuckle...
Citrus-Yellow Passion Flower. Bright yellow, star-shaped flowers and beautiful two-toned foliage that is shaped like...
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New species with fabulous dark foliage that is purple underneath and velvety green with bright...
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Another rare offering, this shrubby passionflower is native to the tropical lowlands of Costa Rica....
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Sunburst Passion Flower. Copious amounts of cheerful, brightly colored flowers with lime green sepals and...
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Manta Passion Flower. The flowers look like a bizarre insect with black filaments tipped in...
Passiflora Starter Kit: 3 different passifloras (our choice) for $45.00 for $15.00 off!! You could...
Fledermouse Passion Flower. Interesting hybrid with bat-wing leaves and small, maroon flowers with yellow centers....
Golden Sacred Flower of the Incas. Fast growing shrub with 3" trumpet-shaped, apricot/golden flowers. Beloved...
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Swamp Clivia. An extremely rare, newly discovered species, Clivia robusta is very similar to Clivia...
California Pipevine. California Dutchman's Pipe. This furry groundcover has golden brown, pipe-like flowers and capsular...
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Bush Lily. St. John's Lily. Fire Lily. A rare color, this Clivia has clusters of...
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Shepherds Crook. Beautiful South African bulb with a curiously hooked flower stem. The tubular flowers...